Exclusively Shows 2025

Organised by BHETA

The Exclusively Show has previewed another of the big style trends for the next 18 months and more – called Modern Stoics.

The event has a well-established reputation for predicting the commercial trends in housewares, gift, and small domestic electricals. Working with trend forecaster, Scarlet Opus, the show will include trend talks, trend tours for buyers and displays of exhibitors’ products pre-selected for being particularly in tune with the themes and styles which will prove popular for Christmas 2023 and into 2024.

With exhibitors submitting product for the ‘so on trend’ displays at Exclusively, Phil Pond from Scarlet Opus has unveiled Modern Stoics, a trend that takes a more dystopian view of the future. Yearning for more freedom and autonomy, with greater value place upon integrity and purpose, this world view nevertheless needs to feel protected and secure. Self-reliant realists that are decisive and strategic and with a strong work ethic, they confront problems, deal with threats directly with composure. The goal is stability and pragmatism, orderly and planned, approaching with caution, deliberation, and the long-term view.

Products, services, and brands that can help them in all of this are extremely valuable and the colour and feel is all about a pared-back solid foundation – rational, grounding, composed, disciplined. Products should feature natural pigments that are moderate yet boldly felt, communicating steadfastness, and with an almost tangibly earnest presence. A luxe touch can be added via the subdued shine of bronzed gold and each element is impactive enough to be applied as a solid mono colour.

Chair of Exclusively, Will Jones commented, “It’s great for both exhibitors and visitors to get some preview insight into the top trends ahead of the event itself. It ensures that Exclusively is as ever a real showcase of the absolute best and most current housewares, gift, and small domestic electrical products in the industry.”